How will the Go2NFT Project affect the economic and technical value of Skey.Network?
Skey.Network is a blockchain ecosystem, i.e. an infrastructure for creating decentralized solutions based on the technology we provide.
To explain it vividly — Skey.Network is a digital highway that allows cars to drive quickly and safely, i.e. projects / solutions that decide to use our proprietary infrastructure.
Just as roads need vehicles to justify their existence — so does our blockchain need products — applications that use this technology to grow.The measure of the value of a given blockchain technology is the quality and number of projects using a given ecosystem.
One of the first solutions that will implement its services on the Skey.Network blockchain is a platform dedicated to corporate NFT solutions — the Go2NFT project.
What is Go2NFT?
It is a platform dedicated to corporations and brands, whose function is to provide a ready and easily adaptable technological solution for generating corporate NFT tokens.
The Go2NFT project will use the Skey.Network ecosystem to generate unique NFT tokens for corporations, well-known brands and brands that intend to combine the value of their physical products with digital NFT tokens. The project intends to introduce its solution to many industries such as fashion, i.e. clothes and accessories (bags, belts, shoes etc.) or beauty — to mark cosmetic products and other often counterfeit material products.
How will the Go2NFt platform affect the Skey.Network ecosystem?
The implementation of Skey.Network technology in a new, scalable product is:
- hundreds of thousands (millions) of NFT tokens generated on the ecosystem
- tens of thousands of wallets created on the blockchain, between which corporate tokens will be exchanged.
- hundreds of thousands of transactions generated between corporate wallets and buyers of NFT connected products and further transactions between platform users exchanging or trading values.
All the above activities carried out on the blockchain are economic operations that require fees carried out with the use of a Skey token, which can be purchased and which, in accordance with the rules contained in the whitepaper, will be burned out after completing the transactions described above. This means that each target user / client of the Go2NFT Platform will have to use Skey tokens to use the wallet and access their NFTs.
The scale and value of the solutions implemented in the Go2NFT project mean that the blockchain will come to life, will become valuable for Go2NFT platform users, which will also translate into an increase in the popularity of the platform itself, and thus will affect the value of the Skey token listed on exchanges, which is a payment unit generating NFT tokens.
All the above elements included in the 2 interconnected ecosystems will affect not only the value of the Skey token through the number of transactions generated thanks to the Go2NFT platform, but also thanks to the marketing and PR activities that will accompany the opening of the new platform. Thanks to the popularization of the Go2NFT project, the importance and prestige of the blockchain will increase.